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  • Information about Kayam Tablet

    Kayam Tablet is a very famous Ayurvedic medicine for constipation. It is not a traditional Ayurvedic medicine. It is a proprietary Ayurvedic medicine.Kayam tablet is claimed to be beneficial in Chronic constipation, acidity, gas, headache and mouth ulcer.
    Role of Key Ingredients:
    Trivrit is a good purgative Ayurvedic herb.
    Haritaki and Senna leaves are mild laxatives.
    Yasthimadhu is good for stomach complaints, peptic ulcers and mouth ulcers.
    Saindhava lavana and Swarjika kshara are usually used in gastritis condition. They also improve the digestion capacity of stomach and intestines.Directions of use:
    1 – 2 teaspoons at bed time, preferably before food with half a glass of hot water.

    Use under Medical Supervision.

    90.00 76.00
  • Indication:-
    * Energy Production
    * Management Of Healthy Skin, Hair And Nails
    * Effective in Cardiovascular Diseases
    * Pernicious anemia
    * Stregthens the Immune System
    * Regulates carbohydrate Metabolism
    * For rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis
    * Effective in neurodegenerative dieases
    * Age -related macular disease (eye disease)
    * Useful in diabetes
    * Effective in pregnancy
    * For digestion
    * Useful in aging

    198.00 140.00
  • Composition:-
    Lactobacillus Acidophilus 0.48 billion.
    Lactobacillus Rhamnosus 0.48 billion.
    Bifidobacterium Longum 0.48 billion.
    Bifidobacterium Bifidum 0.48 billion.
    Saccharomyces Boulardi 0.1 billion.
    Zinc Enriched Yeast 12 mg.

    L-dypro syrup is used for Gastrointestinal disorders, Bacterial Infection, Immunity and other Conditions.
    It is Assumed that supplementation of prebiotic & probiotic would increase the relative number of “good bacteria” in the gut and that would contribute to the well being of the host.
    probioticd be used to treat problems in the stomach and intestines.
    Glutamine is an amino acid; used in the synthesis of protien and thus supports the producttion of muscle, it also supports & regulates the immune system , it is an alternative fuel source for the brain and it also support & regulates the dietary system

    297.00 199.00
  • % RDA calculated as per lcmr Gudeline.
    ” % RDA not established.Other Ingredients DCO(INS 241ii), Starch,MCCP(INs 640ii), Taic (INS 553ii), Magnesium stearate (INS 470), Sodium Bezoate (ins 211), Lactose. CONTAINS CLASS II PRESERVATIVESStore in cool and dry place, protected from light. store out of reach of children.Do not exceed daily recommended dosage.Dosage :-
    As directed by Healthcare Professional. Not for Medicinal use. NUTRACEUTICAL This product is not intended to diagnose, cure ir treat disease(s).
    Appropriate Overges of Vitamins are added to compensate loss on storage.

    360.00 225.00
  • Appropriate overages of vitamin are added to compensate loss on storage
    Other ingredients : Starch ( E1422), PVPK 30 ( E1202), Magnesium Stearate ( E572) , Minerals, Talc ( E553b) .
    Usage: As directed by direction or the health practioner.
    Warning: not to exceed the stated recommended daily usage.
    the product is not intened to diagnose treat, cure or prevent any disease.
    store in a cool & dry place , protect from direct sunlight.
    the product should be stored out of reach of children.
    Nutraceutical & not for Medicinal use.
    Nutritional facts:
    Per tablet contains approximately

    360.00 320.00
  • Composition:
    Each Film Coated Tablet Contains:
    Lactic Acid Bacillus 60 million spores
    Thiamine, Riboflavine 4.5 mg.
    Riboflavin 5.0 mg.
    Pyridoxine Hydrochloride 1.5 mg.
    Nicotinamide 45 mg.
    Folic Acid 1.0 mg.
    Calcium D-Panthenol 5 mg.
    Vitamin B12 5 l.U.
    Vitamin C 10 mg.

    120.00 79.00